Where can I locate local companies for sale? first-time business owner

Hi there, I’m interested in buying an already-existing company. Ideally, this company is not in the technology or SaaS space. Buying a small company in my Southern California town is more appealing to me. This could be a dull industry, like the automobile or HVAC industries. An owner who is a baby boomer, has owned the company for more than 20 years, employs less than ten people, and is considering selling to fund their retirement would make the perfect owner.

Real companies for sale that fit these requirements, in my opinion, might not even be listed online. Where should I begin looking, in your opinion?

hey pals increasing your likelihood of discovering a local business that aligns well with your needs as a first-time business owner,

For businesses that are listed, use BizBuySell.com.

You will need to look for unlisted firms on your own by contacting local proprietors and asking if they would be interested in selling. Your best bets are via phone, email, and regular mail. Additionally, there’s a chance that a broker will look for you.