How to Manage Inventory as a Small Business Owner?

I own a small business and managing inventory has always been a challenge for me. As we start 2025, I really want to get better at this and make sure my business is running smoothly.

What are your best tips for:

  1. Avoiding overstock and stockouts?
  2. Keeping track of inventory without spending too much time on it?
  3. Tools or software you recommend?

I’d love to hear your advice and what has worked for you! :blush:

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I’ve worked in payments for 15 years. There are platforms and POS systems made for specific industries that could help you. Are you in the US? And what industry do you work in?

I send my POS data to PowerBI every night and use dashboards to monitor my inventory.

What industry are you in?

Check out some of the tools listed in this forum link. They range from spreadsheets to full apps, depending on what you need for integration with a sales system.