My business is currently stuck at making 500k a year. I distribute cosmetics to many independent stores, but I’m struggling to expand into larger stores. What can I do to grow beyond this point? Any advice or strategies would be great.
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What are some of the challenges you’re facing when trying to get into those larger stores? It’d be helpful to know more about what’s holding you back.
This isn’t my industry, but I’d guess that standing out from your competitors is key when trying to break into bigger stores. I’d suggest doing some competitor research to figure out where you can position your business better, then use that info to create a brand strategy that makes your products more appealing to larger stores.
It might help to try testing your products in some bigger stores to see how they perform. I’ve worked in this space and have placed products in larger stores before. If you’d like, I can offer a free consultation to help with your strategy: [link to schedule a meeting].
I’d suggest starting by listing out the issues you’re facing with expanding. Once you have a clear picture of the challenges, try reaching out to buyers or purchasing agents at those larger stores. You might get some useful insight into why they haven’t picked up your products yet.