Hi there to all of you. I wonder if anyone uses Craigslist to locate talent, such as full-time employees or project-based or temporary workers? I’ve tried Fiverr and Upwork, but they’ve been hit or miss. I’m trying to find someone locally, so I thought I might try Craigslist.
Good prospects are not commonly found on Craigslist. It’s not that high. Check out LinkedIn or Indeed. With a subscription, Indeed allows you to contact people and search for resumes. I would prefer that than Craigslist.
Craigslist seems to be losing its relevance, although that could just be my opinion.
I believe that purchasing goods on Facebook Marketplace has essentially taken over.
Craigslist still has a lot of items for sale, I’m sure. I suppose I just don’t give that side any attention anymore.
No. There are too many obnoxious answers to sort through.
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LOL, that makes sense. I was surprised to see so much more spam than I had anticipated! Somehow, bots also found their way to CL.