Is it typical for a manufacturer of construction equipment to withhold a pricing list?

I work for a new equipment brand as a dealership. The manufacturer has never sent me a price list of the products they make, despite my requests for one. Is that typical? When I have a customer, I can get them to quote out units; otherwise, they don’t.

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Yeah, it’s pretty common for equipment manufacturers to keep pricing lists under wraps. They often handle quotes on a case-by-case basis instead. If you need pricing info more often, see if you can set up a more efficient process with them.

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They would prefer to be able to add extra markup to particular things, like accessories; typically, this is done to make up for incentives and reductions elsewhere. This is why they don’t want you to see the current cost across the portfolio.

This is a frequent practice among material suppliers, who will provide a “normal” price for the majority of their products while inflating the price of a few other common items in the hopes that you won’t compare their offer to that of a competitor.